Travel Guide My Home In Arcachon Get to know My Home In Arcachon

Tree climbing

If Arcachon is particularly suitable for water activities, it is due to the privileged location by the sea. But thanks to its generous nature and its geography, this town is also perfect for various land-based leisure activities.

In the forest of Arcachon, a playful and challenging activity are made available to the visitors. In fact, if you are tired of hiking all day long, you can stop in the parks which are particularly converted for a really different activity: the tree climbing.

Some private parks, such as Bassin Aventure, offer a multitude of games and courses for children from 3 years. You will be able to go there with family, because no age limit is imposed, as long as you are in a good physical condition.

You will find spaces that are converted for the practice of tree- climbing, with several courses. This type of activity is usually followed by one or more workshops, making possible for everyone to learn how to tie their safety ropes correctly, but also to know what equipment is needed for what type of course, etc.

Some routes are even available with one or more zip lines. The more audacious will be able to test this thrilling activity.

Obviously, for each tree-climbing activity suggested, precise levels have been established to make it possible for everyone to have fun at best, avoiding, in this way, blockages due to fear or to a very high comlexity.

In addition, safety is a priority for this type of activity. Each person wishing to practice is therefore equipped with a safety line, laid and checked by experienced instructors.

For the parks located near the bay of Arcachon, several other activities are suggested on top of that. These include games and recreation such as wakeboarding, quick jumping, obstacle race, etc.

As a bonus, you will be able to practice during the night on certain days of the week, during the summer period. You will also find restaurants or secured parkings.
